1 World Education

 Penelope Torribio


Penelope Torribio, known as Mrs. T, is holding a red toolbox filled with various teaching ideas for the Connected Classroom.

Penelope Torribio is an educator, author, scriptwriter, awarding winning singer-songwriter. Ms. Torribio, better known as Mrs. T is the visionary founder of 1 World Education, and the originator of the Connected Classroom. Through her leadership audiences in the US and abroad learn about the habit of developing creative thinking for better learning and better living.

In 2025 Ms. Torribio published her first two novels in the Charles Stratton Mystery Series, The Ghost of the Jangling Keys and The Ghost of Tomb 11, Tel el Amarna, Egypt. These books model the development of a young writer, while taking the readers on breathtaking adventures. With a laugh Torribio claims her novels may be described as Anne of Green Gables meet Agatha Christie.

L.A. County of Education, CA, various special education classes, primarily severely emotionally disturbed Sunset School,

Hacienda-La Puente School District,CA Preschool autistic summer school, 4 years
Orthopedic and multiply handicapped and after school home teaching after surgery.

Title 1 Program, teens teaching in the A.M. help with transitioning into regular classes in the afternoon.-Challenged and Challenging studentsRosemead School, autistic and aphasia students.

Rosemead, Inclusive teaching, special education in regular classrooms
Charter Hospital Education Coordinator, Charter Oak, CA, 4 years, teaching children and teens in crisis and participating in the psychiatric team, and coordinate with each students’ home schools.
Residential Day Treatment Programs, lock up and aides for every six students, CA Department of Social Services

Assistant to physicist Dr. Shi Yin Lo, experiments on stable water cluster, health and autism. Penelope with the aide of statistician, Holly Cho, co-ghost wrote “Autism and Stable Water Cluster, and Meridans and Stable Water Cluster: Physic and Health.

The Ghost of the Jangling Keys, Charles Stratton Mystery, Edutainment Novel, vol. I
The Ghost of Tomb 11, Tel el Armana, Egypt, Charles Stratton Mystery, Edutainment Novel, vol. II
Never Get Too Close to a Fish, death of a pet, young elementary picture book
The Magic in You, from vacant lot to community garden, elementary picture book
ArtSmart, Superior Learning in the Inclusive Classroom—Golden Leaves Award
Future in Our Hands, What Everyone Should Know About Education-Golden Leaves Award
Einstein in My Garden, photos and reflections on bugs, all ages
Directive Drawing, diagnosis, intervention and development

Musical Scripts and performances
The Rain is Coming, rainforest musical, illustrated lyric coloring book
Under the Blue Blue Sea, illustrated lyric coloring book
Dinosaur Dance, how not to become extinct,  illustrated lyric coloring book
Sing the Calendar Songs, illustrated lyric coloring book
Out in Outer Space, space ecological puppet show, book coming soon.

Video Production
Ruler of the World, Marionette and Shadow Puppet interpretation of the Ramayana

Take Ten, 10 Minutes in Nature
Bugs and Those Who Love Them
Oceans and Those Who Love Them
Birds and Those Who Love Them
Water Birds and Those Who Love Them
Flowers and Those Who Love Them
Reptiles and Those Who Love Them
Bugs and Those Who Love Them. 2
Oceans and Those Who Love Them 2

Awards and Honors
The Red Carpet Award, Hollywood, Hollywood Woman in Theater for art and community work
Hope Award, Los Angeles, CA music and community work
AHA Award, Art and community
International Puppetry Award, Myanmar’s 1st International Puppet Festival
Gold Leaves Award, California Polytechnic University, author award
California Country Music Vocalist of the Year


Brain Expo, Art and Music and transforming the brain

Artist in the School, behavior intervention

Sample Presentation

Literary Festivals, Southern California
Ecology Festivals, Southern California
Dinosaur Day Festival, Vernal Utah
Ramayana Festival, UCLA
Ramayana Festival, Arizona University
Skirbal Museum, Los Angeles
Pacific Asian Museum, Pasadena, CA
Ramayana Festival, Santa Barbara Art Museum
Ramayana Festival, La Verne University
Ramayana Festival, Hindu Temple at Chino Hills California
Ramayana Festival Irvine Hindu Temple Cal Poly’s Art Museum
Myanmar’s first International Puppet Festival
Author Day Festivals- CA and Utah

Three-month tour India teaching teachers how to teach with minimum supplies
Thailand and Bali
 Mandalay University of Arts and Culture

S. Utah Literacy Festival,
Harry Potter Festival 2019-2024


Penelope Torribio holding back of her new novel, The Ghost of the Jangling Keys, Fiction adventure mystery.